Sunday, February 27, 2011


With the baby's due date just nine weeks away, we really need to decide for sure on a name. We thought we had it decided but we just don't know any more, so we are asking for your help! We need opinions! The names we have been throwing around are :


Or if you have any other name suggestions we would be glad to hear it, boy names are hard! Thanks for your help!


The French Way said...

Boy names are hard! We went thru a million before we came up with Chase. But I love the name Ryan! You can't go wrong with that one!!!! Good luck...

Jim amd Amy Moser said...

I've been calling him Nathan Kim for about a month now. That's how I have come to think of him. The others are good, too. We'll just be glad to get him here safe and sound. Love, Mom

Kacey said...

I like Marcus Call!! I think they are all way good names!! Congrats for making it so far in your pregnancy this time!! It's awesome!

Carrie Fowler said...

I have always liked the name Nathan but Ryan is such a cute name too.

The Brossard Family said...

My vote would be for Ryan or Nathan. Marcus is cute too though. Good luck!