Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Family Bike Ride!

This past weekend Kim and I went on a family bike ride with my parents and some of my sisters and their husbands in Grand Teton National Park. We had a blast! Thanks for the fun time guys, and thanks Lexi for watching Halle so we could go.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Meet Belle...

Kim's new puppy! She is a springer spanial shorthaired pointer mix and is about 8 months old. Kim went into the dog adoption place the other day "just to take a look" and saw Belle and decided he had to have her - so here she is! He hasn't decided if he is going to keep her name or not, but for now, we call her Belle. We think she will make a great little hunting/fishing/hiking/camping buddy so we are pretty excited!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Little Miss Pouter

Yep, Hal has started throwing tantrums.

And who can resist a face like this?

She looks so surprised when everybody just laughs hysterically at her. :)

Our New Little Home

We moved into our very first house this past weekend! It is just a humble little rental but it is our home and we are as happy as can be! It was quite the project moving in with Kim working over 60 hours last week and me taking care of Halle, but with the help of Debora and Chris (Kim's mom and brother) we were able to get happily settled into our new home on Saturday. We had a BBQ after to celebrate. :)